The right loving care can prolong the life of the silk but neglecting this can lead to fading and damage. Stay tuned to learn why taking care of your silks is important, the most common mistakes in silk care, and the best practices on how to take care of your beautiful aerial silks.

Why Take Care of Silks?
There are a number of reasons to take care of your silks on a regular basis:
- Disinfect – dirt and bacteria can grow in your silks if you do not take care of them, so washing them will wash away those impurities.
- Smell Fresh – musty smell? Gross!
- Look spotless – when the aerial silks crease in storage, dust can accumulate which can make it look streaky.
- Clean – if other people use your silks, it is important to keep it clean for others! No one wants to get a whiff of your sweat every time their face gets a little too close.
- Love – if you love something, you always want to make sure you take care of it and nurture it. Show your silks some love and appreciation, and they’ll be sure to show it back by living beyond their life expectancy!
Care and Washing
- Front loading washing machine – gentle wash cycle with warm water and gentle cold water to rinse
- No fabric softener or bleach – this could damage the strength and quality of the fabric
- Untangle fabric – before loading, make sure that there are no knots in the fabric. After the wash cycle, air dry away from sun exposure. Too much sun exposure will shrink the fabric and fade the coloring.
- No heat drying – avoid drying in hot dryers, as this will compromise the durability of the fabric threads and they will become more brittle. Instead, air dry if possible. There are mixed reviews out there, some sources including Aerial Essentials say that it is okay to wash in “gentle/warm” drying cycles but it is best to avoid if possible to prolong the life of the silk
- No metal – Do not wash any metals like carabiners, the swivel, or other items in there that would snag or tear the fabric.
Hardware Inspection
- Inspect your hardware every 3 months to make sure that it is not defective or bent
- Stay cautious – if you drop your hardware and there is a bend or may have been compromised in quality, it is always better to stay safe and purchase a new one.
- Use a microfiber towel to rub off the dust that may accumulate on hardware over time.
Storing The Aerial Silks

A 20-foot aerial silk can take up a whole couch if all laid out or a whole corner of your garage. It’s definitely important to keep it neat and tidy for future use and to decrease the creases in it.
Storing it in this beautiful braid shape is the standard for aerial studios! Make sure that it is stored in an optimal place for flour – no moisture, dust, or extreme heat/cold!
Overall, taking care of your silks can lead to happy practices for all parties involved.
Hope this helps!
-Katelyn Ewe