There are so many benefits of practicing aerial silks that include mental and physical performance! The creative aspect of aerial silks is so fulfilling, not to mention it unlocks such confidence and expression in pursuit of this beautiful active hobby.
Below are some of the top benefits that you are sure to experience after a sweaty aerial silks session!
Mental clarity
My favorite benefit of aerial silks is how it gives me mental clarity and a positive outlook on life. When I’m in the air, I feel free and energized. This is actually due to science because when you are in a situation where your life depends on your focus and attention you get into that “flow state” where you are completely and utterly immersed in the activity. My ego falls and the world becomes timeless.
Strength & Endurance
This one is a no brainer, aerial silks increases muscle strength in your shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearms, core, obliques, and more! Various conditioning exercises target specific muscles, but just a regular practice session will be sure to make those muscles sore the next day.
Practicing aerial silks is a form of endurance training, so naturally, practicing will increase your endurance. Not to mention that there are so many benefits that come from it! This includes a positive difference in bone density, enhanced immune system, enhanced metabolism, and mental benefits. Any kind of endurance training gives your body these amazing benefits, but aerial silks are so much fun these benefits are just a plus!
When you’re in the air, your body experiences increased blood circulation, which means there is more oxygen flowing to your head. This increased oxygen will help in clear rational thinking. In addition, training will help in decreasing the stress hormone, cortisol. This will help to release stress greatly in your mind.
Body awareness
Finding that awareness in your body requires you to be introspective and thoughtful in your movements. There is no better place to do this than 20 feet up in the air in 3 dimensional space! With different skills in the air requires a certain level of balance and coordination with your limbs.
With this newfound body awareness, you will surely find daily activities like walking, reaching for that remote controller that is a little too far on one foot, hiking, etc. You’ll also be sure to catch on quickly with all other physical activities!
Increased confidence
Following the increased body awareness is increased confidence! When you are aware of your body, you own it and feel so in tune with your body. You are whole just as you are and that is empowering. I feel the most confident after an aerial silks session because I’m so aware of my body and its capabilities I feel amazing!
Unlock Optimal Body Performance
A huge benefit of practicing aerial silks in being able to unlock your optimal body performance when it comes to bone density, immunity, and enhanced metabolism.
An increase in muscle mass means that your body requires more energy to create and maintain the muscle. For every extra pound of muscle, your body will have to expend burn calories to maintain that muscle. This will boost your metabolism. Metabolism is simply defined as the chemical process by which an organism must perform to sustain life. This would mean some form of converting food to usable energy. For plants and algae, this “food” comes from sunlight and they use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy. For us humans, we convert food into usable energy.
Your body cannot perform if it is not at peak health. With millions of viruses and bacteria in this world, it’s important to keep your health at its peak. Endurance training through aerial silks enables your immune system to better fight intruders. Your body creates extra proteins that are necessary for the proper synthesis of white blood cells and antibodies. Not to mention that training has inflammatory effects, which is always a plus.
Training aerial silks, as with any endurance training, will increase bone density. Bone strength is crucial as we age to fight osteoporosis especially if our genetic history has an affinity toward the disease. When we train, this triggers our bodies to release a growth hormone into the bloodstream. This will in turn trigger our bones to build density. This is an evolutionary reaction, our bodies have naturally adapted to creating denser bones to prevent injuries. Back in the day, an injury in the leg meant that you’d be the target of a mountain lion!
Helps with Sleep
Ever experienced restlessness in bed and the dreaded tossing and turning? Look no further than picking up aerial silks! The energy it consumes will definitely help you drift to sleep the second you hit the sack.
Aerial silks training requires a lot of strength, endurance, and focus. It really does make your body feel tired after a session. In addition, any form of exercise is proven to reduce stress levels, which will definitely help with that “racing mind” right before you fall asleep.
Unlock Creativity
Having a creative outlet is so crucial in this modern world where social media and societal pressures push us to the extreme to fit in with others. Being creative brings you back to that childhood where creativity was rewarded. Staying in touch with your creative side and being immersed is so important to our fulfillment as we continue to relentlessly pursue success in this world.
It’s always important to keep in mind that a healthy mind and body require a proper diet with nutrition and balance. Eating nutrient-dense foods and taking care of all the essential macronutrients is a crucial part of the aerialist lifestyle 🙂
Fly safe,